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President: Wendy Peterman

Wendy Peterman, Ph.D is a soil scientist for the USDA Forest Service at the Willamette National Forest.

Vice president: Jalene Weatherholt

Past President: Vance Almquist –

Vance is a soil geomorphologist based in Corvallis, OR. Vance has been involved with the OSSS board since 2018.

Treasurer: Megan McGinnis

Megan is an Oregon State University alumnus working federal land management, currently with the BLM out of Springfield, OR.

Secretary: Clara Weidman

Eastside director: Don Wysocki

Westside director: Todd Reinwald

Todd Reinwald has been a member of OSSS off & on since 1992 and is currently the soil and water program manager on the Mt Hood Nat. Forest

Website manager: Victoria Moreno

Victoria is a soil scientist with the Bureau of Land Management in the Marys Peak Field Office. She is finishing graduate school at Oregon State University in Soil and Geology.

Sharpshooter editor: Sarah Brame –

Sarah is originally from Washington where she obtained a soil science degree from WSU.  She currently works as a forest service soil scientist on the Umpqua National Forest.

Co-Student Liaisons:

Want to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each OSSS board member? Check out our onBOARDing document.